DEMethods of manual ultrasonic flaw detection of steel welds and classification of flaw detection results
Methods of manual ultrasonic flaw detection of steel welds and classification of flaw detection results, Total:4 items.
In the international standard classification, Methods of manual ultrasonic flaw detection of steel welds and classification of flaw detection results involves: Welding, brazing and soldering.
General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China, Methods of manual ultrasonic flaw detection of steel welds and classification of flaw detection results
- GB/T 11345-1989 Method for manual ultrasonic testing and classification of testing results for ferritic steel welds
- GB/T 15830-1995 Method of ultrasonic inspetion and result classification of circumferential butt welds in steel pipes and tubes
Professional Standard - Construction Industry, Methods of manual ultrasonic flaw detection of steel welds and classification of flaw detection results
- JG/T 3034.1-1996 Methods for ultrasonic testing and classification of welds for steel space grid structures with welded joints
Professional Standard - Nuclear Industry, Methods of manual ultrasonic flaw detection of steel welds and classification of flaw detection results
- EJ/T 768-1993 Ultrasonic flaw detection method and flaw detection result classification of nuclear grade container overlay welding layer