DEThe principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen, Total:27 items.
In the international standard classification, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen involves: Analytical chemistry, Telecommunication systems, Farming and forestry, Products of the textile industry, Fuels, General methods of tests and analysis for food products, Food products in general, Milk and milk products, Interface and interconnection equipment, Water quality, Software development and system documentation, Soil quality. Pedology, Microprocessor systems.
Group Standards of the People's Republic of China, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
International Telecommunication Union (ITU), The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- ITU-T Q.135-1988 Principles of rapid transmission testing equipment
- ITU-T Q.135-1989 Principles of Rapid Transmission Testing Equipment - Specifications of Signalling Systems Nos. 4 and 5 (Study Group XI) 1 pp
Shanxi Provincial Standard of the People's Republic of China, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- DB14/T 926-2014 Rapid Determination Method of Total Arsenic in Soil
- DB14/T 1115-2015 Rapid Determination of Total Lead in Soil-Sodium Rose Benate Visual Method
PL-PKN, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- PN Z04075-1961 Speedy Me?hod for De?er mina?ion of Ni?rogen Oxyde* in Air
RU-GOST R, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- GOST 4339-1974 Coke. Rapid method for the determination of total sulphur content
- GOST 2059-1995 Solid mineral fuel. Determination of total sulfur. High temperature combustion method
- GOST 34.340-1991 Fastbus. Modular high speed data acquisition system
HU-MSZT, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
SCC, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- VDI 3404-2009 Generative manufacturing processes — rapid technologies (rapid prototyping) — basics, terms, quality parameters, delivery agreements
British Standards Institution (BSI), The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- BS EN ISO 8968-3:2004 Milk - Determination of nitrogen content - Block-digestion method (Semi-micro rapid routine method)
- BS EN ISO 8968-3:2007 Milk. Determination of nitrogen content. Block-digestion method (Semi-micro rapid routine method)
- BS ISO 8968-3:2004 Milk - Determination of nitrogen content - Block-digestion method (Semi-micro rapid routine method)
- BS ISO 6851:2001 Photography. Processing waste. Determination of total amino nitrogen (microdiffusion Kjeldahl method)
Professional Standard - Commodity Inspection, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- SN/T 1749-2006 Rapid detection of aerobic bacterial count in raw milk--Impedance method
American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM), The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- ASTM E1340-96 Standard Guide for Rapid Prototyping of Computerized Systems
Association Francaise de Normalisation, The principle of rapid determination of total nitrogen
- NF X31-294:2012 Soil quality - Determination of potential nitrification and inhibition of nitrification - Rapid test by ammonium oxidation.