This document specifies the basic requirements for emergency management of amusement parks, emergency organization, emergency plan, emergency support capacity building, emergency education and training and emergency drills, emergency implementation, emergency assessment and continuous improvement, and emergency files. This document applies to emergency management of amusement parks. Tourist attractions shall be implemented by reference.
GB/T 42100-2022 Referenced Document
AQ/T 9009 Specification for emergency exercises evaluation of production safety accidents
GB/T 29639 Guidelines for enterprises to develop emergency response plan for work place accidents
GB/T 33942 Guidelines for the preparation of emergency response plan for special equipment accident
GB/T 38315 Guidelines for preparation and implementation of fire fighting and emergency evacuation plans for workplaces
GB/T 42101 Amusement park safety—General requirments
GB/T 42103 Amusement park safety— Risk identification and assessment
GB/T 42104 Amusement park safety—Safety management system
GB/T 42100-2022 history
2022GB/T 42100-2022 Amusement park safety—Emergency management
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