共找到 150 條與 放置器 相關的標準,共 10 頁
本標準規(guī)定了附帶放置器的帶銅T型TCu宮內節(jié)育器的產(chǎn)品特征、基本尺寸、材料、要求、試驗方法、檢驗規(guī)則、標志、包裝、貯存和滅菌有效期等。 本標準適用于帶銅T型TCu宮內節(jié)育器(以下簡稱節(jié)育器)。該節(jié)育器放置于婦女子宮腔內作避孕用
TCu intra uterine devices
Riguarda la conservazione temporanea di rifiuti radioattivi derivanti dagli impieghi di sostanze radioattive nei settori: industriale e civile, medico
Radioactive wastes arrangement in classified containers.
本文件規(guī)定了電器維修工具存放裝置的術語和定義、結構與原理、技術要求、試驗方法、檢驗規(guī)則、標志、包裝、運輸及貯存。 本文件適用于電器維修工具存放裝置的生產(chǎn)及檢驗
Electrical maintenance tool storage device
Video Preamplifier, AM-6923/UA
This standard covers amplifier and preamplifier systems with linear pulse-shaping networks for use with semiconductor, scintillation, and proportional
Standard Test Procedures for Amplifiers and Preamplifiers Used with Detectors of Ionizing Radiation
Disposable Cervical Dilators Part 2: Inflatable
Integrated Antenna/ Preamplifier/Filter Design
Integrated Antenna/Preamplifier/Filter Design
本標準規(guī)定了附帶放置器的TCu宮內節(jié)育器(以下簡稱節(jié)育器)的產(chǎn)品分類、技術要求、試驗方法、檢驗規(guī)則以及標志、包裝、運輸、貯存等要求。 本標準適用于TCu380A、TCu200C、TCu220C、TCu200B宮內節(jié)育器。該產(chǎn)品放置于婦女子宮腔內,作避孕用
TCu intra-uterine devices
Covers amplifier and preamplifier systems with linear pulse shaping networks for use with semiconductor, scintillation and proportional detectors
Nuclear instrumentation; amplifiers and preamplifiers used with detectors of ionizing radiation; test procedures
The equipment covered by this specification shall pr0vide.a programmed series of output release pulses to aircraft weapons stations, Release
Specifies criteria for the selection of extinguishers based on extinguisher classification and rating, and specifies requirements for the location
Portable fire extinguishers - Selection and location
本文件規(guī)定了WF型航天器連接釋放裝置(以下簡稱釋放裝置)的產(chǎn)品結構與分類、技術要求、試驗方法、檢驗規(guī)則和標志、包裝、運輸、存儲。 本文件適用于1200kg以下航天器的釋放裝置設計、試驗、交付、使用等
WF type spacecraft connection release device
Specification for verification of 2627 model preamplifiers
MIL-A-8 1359(AS) is inactive for new design and is no longer used, except for replacement purposes
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頁面更新時間: 2025-03-13 21:00