DEElectric literature
Electric literature, Total:14 items.
In the international standard classification, Electric literature involves: Information sciences. Publishing, Applications of information technology, Microprocessor systems, Graphical symbols, Telecommunication systems, Document imaging applications.
Japanese Industrial Standards Committee (JISC), Electric literature
- JIS X 0811:2002 GEDI -- Generic Electronic Document Interchange
- JIS Z 6017:2006 Document management -- Long-term preservation for electronic imaging documents
Korean Agency for Technology and Standards (KATS), Electric literature
- KS X ISO 690-2:2002 Information and documentation-Bibliographic references-Part 2:Electronic documents or parts thereof
- KS X ISO 690-2:2013 Information and documentation-Bibliographic references-Part 2:Electronic documents or parts thereof
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), Electric literature
- ISO/TR 18492:2005 Long-term preservation of electronic document-based information
- ISO 690-2:1997 Information and documentation - Bibliographic references - Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof
- ISO 22938:2017 Document management - Electronic content/document management (CDM) data interchange format
RU-GOST R, Electric literature
- GOST R 54989-2012 Long-term preservation of electronic document-based information
- GOST 7.65-1992 System of standards on information, librarianship and publishing. Film documents, photographic documents and microform documents. General requirements on archive storage
CH-SNV, Electric literature
- VSM 12745.2-1943 Technical product literature. Terminology and examples. Part 2: Electrical Literature
Association Francaise de Normalisation, Electric literature
- NF Z44-005-2:1998 Information and documentation. Bibliographic references. Part 2 : electronic documents or parts thereof.
ZA-SANS, Electric literature
- SANS 690-2:2007 Information and documentation - Bibliographic references Part 2: Electronic documents or parts thereof
British Standards Institution (BSI), Electric literature
- BS ISO 690-2:1998 Information and documentation - Bibliographic references - Electronic documents or parts thereof
Standard Association of Australia (SAA), Electric literature
- AS/NZS 1102.110:1997 Graphical symbols for electrotechnical documentation - Telecommunications - Transmission