- Standard No.
- GB/T 5359.4-1994
- Language
- Chinese
- Release Date
- 1994
- Published By
- General Administration of Quality Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine of the People‘s Republic of China
- Replace By
GB/T 15367-2008
- Lastest
GB/T 15367-2008
- Scope
- This standard specifies the names of main components of two-wheeled mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles. This standard applies to two-wheeled mopeds and two-wheeled motorcycles (except special two-wheeled motorcycles).
GB/T 5359.4-1994 history
- 2008 GB/T 15367-2008 Motorcycles and mopeds part and component.Designations for vehicle with two and three wheels
- 1994 GB/T 5359.4-1994 Motorcycles and mopeds Part and component designations for vehicle with two wheels
GB/T 5359.4-1994 Motorcycles and mopeds Part and component designations for vehicle with two wheels was changed to GB/T 15367-2008 Motorcycles and mopeds part and component.Designations for vehicle with two and three wheels.